DFI’s GHF51 is the world’s first 1.8” industrial motherboard powered by high-performance AMD Ryzen™ R1000 Processors; holding unprecedented processing throughout despite its smaller size. It ascends from the industrial specialized Pi and defines a new level of balance between performance and cost-effectiveness. Its flexible expandability brings versatility that is perfect for industrial application development, edge computing, AI vision, and more. The ubiquitous facial recognition is an obvious common application.
Application: Facial recognition
Solution: GHF51
In recent years, with the development of high-performance x86 low-power processors, there have been more appealing miniaturized personal computers from NUC to compute stick (Stick PC), which has become a trend and has also attracted the attention of everyone. What’s more, there is no shortage of applications that introduce it into the field of industrial control, such as facial recognition systems. However, in addition to the limited size of such products and the inability to provide a complete I/O interfaces, if the product line is discontinued, customers will also face the risk of being out of stock.
Overseas customers use Intel Compute Stick personal computers to connect to video cameras via USB to build a facial recognition system. The last generation of its products has been the product of the first quarter of 2016, and even it became EOL (End Of Life) in June 2020. Therefore, this overseas customer had to look for Single Board Computer (SBC) as an alternative, but faced the following problems:
Finally, this overseas customer chose DFI’s GHF51 as a solution to replace Intel Compute Stick.
Reasons are listed as below:
In addition to a perfect replacement for Intel Compute Stick, GHF51 brings additional value:
DFI’s GHF51 is the world’s first 1.8” industrial motherboard powered by high-performance AMD Ryzen™ R1000 Processors, holding unprecedented processing throughout despite its mini size. It ascends from the industrial specialized Pi and defines a new level of balance between performance and cost-effectiveness. Its flexible expandability brings versatility that is perfect for industrial application development, edge computing, AI vision, and more. Focusing on industrial solutions, DFI followed AMD's long-lifecycle support roadmap for CPU provides product availability for up to 10 years. This support promises system upgrades in a long term without concern for compatibility.