Success Showcase

6_DFIs Industrial-Grade System-On-Module Helps The Oil Industry To Build The Most Reliable Drilling Automation System_1600x900px
Success Showcase

DFI's Industrial-Grade System-On-Module Helps The Oil Industry To Build The Most Reliable And Efficient Drilling Automation System

Energy Success Showcase Drilling Automation System
7_DFIs GHF51 Realizes Long-Term Durability and Seamless Highway Vehicle Surveillance_1600x900px
Success Showcase

DFI's GHF51 Realizes Long-Term Durability and Seamless Highway Vehicle Surveillance

Success Showcase Traffic Management Highway Vehicle Surveillance System
Success Showcase

DFI's Highly Flexible, Off-The-Shelf Solution Ensures the Safety of Seamless Marine Monitoring

Success Showcase Maritime Maritime Monitoring System
Success Showcase

DFI Solution Provides the Most Compact and Reliable Computing Brain for a Tier 1 Printed Circuit Board Manufacturer’s Automated Guided Vehicle

Success Showcase PCBA AGV
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Success Showcase

DFI's ES220-CS combined With AI solution creates a new era of law enforcement technology

Success Showcase Traffic Management Real-Time License Plate Recognition
9_DFI Solution Provides the Most Reliable Brain and Cerebellum For Giant Automated Guided Vehicles in LCD Panel Factories_1600x900px
Success Showcase

DFI Solution Provides the Most Reliable Brain and Cerebellum for Giant Automated Guided Vehicles in LCD Panel Factories

Success Showcase LCD Panel Giant Automated Guided Vehicle / Control
Success Showcase

DFI's Mission to Complete ODM Services to Help Customers Create the Lowest Cost Slot Machines

Success Showcase Gaming Casico Slot Machine Casino
Success Showcase

Autonomous Mobile Robots with Higher Software and Hardware Integration Create Non-Stop IC Packaging and Testing

Success Showcase AMR IC Packaging and Testing Autonomous Mobile Robot